Don’t do it
Don’t say it
Student statement success
‘’If it is not right, do not do it,
If it is not true, do not say it.’’
Marcus Aurelius
If it is not true please don’t say it. Because if you say it you can get a lot problems for the people like for example you don’t know what is happening so never say it but if it is not true because you can get a lot problems and you can be a lying for other people so don’t be like that.
If you do something false please don’t be lying because and then the people tell you for example if you want to do something but please do it but please don’t do it lying.
If you do something false and then the people can get mad with you and you don’t want the people get mad with you so don’t do something false.
Stop doing that because the people can get mad with you
Come and be a better person.
By: katherine Zavaleta
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