STUDENTS SUCCESS STATEMENT '''''DO'T DO THE WRONG,IF NOT EVERY SINGLE DAY CHOOSE THE RIGHT.''''' this statement are show you how we need to be in all the time. we don't need to be the bad person we need to show that we are the best people. because I know that nobody want to be the left hand is like an example; like you don't have the right thing you need to do the right thing if not the other people can be very mean with you because nobody like that other people be mean. so you always need to be the great person. don't look at the back if not yon comeback and be the bad person. i think that we don't wan to be a bad person. because all the people are wanting to be the best people. come we can be the best people. And I want to give you this right thing. '''''CHOOSE THE RIGHT THING WHATEVER YOU ARE.''''