and responsibilities: once a cardiologist knows what is wrong with a
patient, must decide on the best treatment option. May need to refer the
patient to a cardiovascular surgeon for an operation.
Salary: Cardiologists make an awful lot, too. They are
guaranteed an average base salary of$512,000, according to the Merritt
Hawkins data. The third highest-paying specialty: Urology. These specialists
earn an average of $461,000,
not including production bonuses or benefits.
Education: in order to become A
CARDIOLOGIST, one must undergo four years of medical school as well as tree
years of internal medicine training.
Demand for this profession: The U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) projects employment opportunities of all physicians to
grow by 18% between 2012 and 2022 ( That should be an
increase in approximately 123,300 positions nationwide. However, the BLS
doesn't provide specific job growth statistics on cardiologists. According,
there are different ranges for different types of cardiologists. The median
salary for non-invasive cardiologists was $353,980 as of October 2014. Invasive
cardiologists made a median salary of $383,244, while the median salary. 

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