Duties and responsibilities: design of learning experiences, evaluation of the student’s, kinesiologist is a natural health care process that entails the thorough study of mechanics and anatomy of the human body. .kinesiologist help individuals cope with physical injuries and also work to manage, rehabilitate, and prevent disorders that impede movement.
Salary: a kinesiologist earns an average of $47,978 per year.
Education: degree programs may allow students to study towards a degree in kinesiology with options in health and exercise science, physical education and athletic training. Other universities' Departments of kinesiology may offer Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Exercise Science or B.S. in Athletic Training programs.
Demand or need for this profession: if you want to become in a kinesiologist, you first need to determined if this career path is good fit for you, if the words and the things that they do sounds like you don’t wait because you need this career.
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